Buy Cialis (tadalafil) at Pharmacy with prescription for Pharmacy users

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The price of Cialis (tadalafil) in the prescription pharmacy varies depending on several factors, such as dose, brand, country and region.

Buy Cialis (tadalafil) at Pharmacy with prescription for Pharmacy users

In the United States, for example, the price may range from about $30 to $50 per 5 mg pill for the generic prescription version. In Europe, prices can also vary widely among different member countries, but in general, a box with a certain number of pills can cost between 30 and 100 euros depending on the dose and quantity.

It is important to bear in mind that these prices are only a general approximation and can change over time and depending on the pricing policies of pharmacies and suppliers. In addition, in some cases, assistance programmes may be in place to reduce the cost to patients in need.

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